The Community Room was transformed into a rockin party last Friday after school. DDR and Wii stations were open-play for new players for the afternoon.

The Guitar Hero tournament showed off some impressive skills. Thanks for all your energy and commitment to fairness! We were able to put together a 16-player bracket , with $25 at GameStop at stake. Brian's reputation preceded him, and it did win out in the end after contests with Derrick and then Owen in the finals. Congrats, dude.

The tournament was filmed by Blaise and Shepherd and we plan to show some footage on Channel 17. We'll let you know when!

Shepherd won the "Dig Beyond Google" contest, with 13 correct answers from tricky sites on the internet. Both he and Aaron found that there are 4 Looneyvilles in the US, and used GoogleEarth to check the geography of Boston Common.
And we enjoyed birthday cake in honor of Will F., thanks to a generous donation from Pricechopper. Other snacks were courtesy of City Market!
See you next time-- Sunday, March 30-- more details coming soon! It will depend on your recommendations: what do you think? Super Smash Bros? Rock band? More stations, even if they are smaller TVs? Can anyone ever defeat Brian? ..... comment.....
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