Monday, March 31, 2008

Super Smashdown in Brawl

On Sunday, March 30, almost 30 gamers came out to try their hand against new opponents.

Getting ready for tournament play, players practice their moves on Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Luckily we had some loaned Wiis and games so most of Brawl was already unlocked

In the Brawl tournament, players had two-minute limit matches in Battlefield. Each player kept one character for all matches, and Kirby and Meta were popular choices. Many thanks to Ben from Champlain College for running the tournament, and to Emilie for filming it!

Here are the finals of the 12-player tournament!

The winners were James, playing Ike, who won a $25 GameStop gift card and Ben, playing Lucario, who took second place. Both characters were new with Brawl!
Wii sports were also popular-- tennis, golf, boxing and baseball!

Gamers also practiced their moves at Dance Dance Revolution and Guitar Hero II

Sam from Quarterstaff Games played Magic with fans and added another layer to the

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