Monday, November 7, 2011

Teen Advisory Board, That's What's Up!

Hello all!

Have you ever heard of TAB? No, I don't mean the soft drink: the Teen Advisory Board for the Fletcher Free Library! What is it you ask?

The Teen Advisory Board, TAB for short, is a way for the library to get feedback on what types of programs and things that the library offers. Basically, it's to see what you want to get out of the library. The library wants to cater to your needs and see if you have any ideas on how to make it fun for you to come.

I need some volunteers. I'm looking for a team of creative teenagers with the dedication to making the library a more progressive place. If you can dedicate an hour a week and meet at the library to discuss changes, come join us! If you decide to join, I hope that you can commit to meeting every week. I'm going to be looking for some teens to serve on the "Board" of TAB. Meaning as the President and Vice President. If you think you would be a good fit, come see me at the Teen Desk up in the Teen Room.

Tentatively the meetings will be scheduled for Monday at 3:45pm - 4:45pm. More details on that to come.

The next blog will be: A collection of cool books in the Teen Room.

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