Yesterday the Vampire Book Club received their very own fresh new copies of The Edge Chronicles: Beyond the Deepwoods, which is the first book in this beautifully-illustrated fantasy series by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell! Above is an, er, interestingly-aligned photo that Lyle took of Rachel and Sequoia! (Taking photos on a diagonal is a new trend in digital photography, so I hear).
From the back of the book: "Far, far away, jutting out into the emptiness beyond, lies the Edge. Filled with strange peoples and terrifying creatures, this is a world unlike any other, where action - and danger - wait at every turn... When thirteen-year-old Twig discovers that he was abandoned at birth by an unknown outsider, he leaves his woodtroll family behind and sets off on a journey through and beyond the dangerous Deepwoods. As he makes his way through a nightmarish world of goblins and trogs, blood-thirsty beasts and flesh-eating trees, only two things keep Twig going: the mystery of his identity and the promise of a heroic destiny..."
Sound awesome? Yeah, we think so too. Join us for our next book club on December 17 from 3pm - 4pm. We'll have snacks, we'll hang out, talk (sometimes, we talk in Textmessagese like OMG and TTYL - hope that's ok with you), and maybe even play a game. Copies of the second book have already been ordered, but if you'd like your very own FREE copy of the next book in the series (made possible by glorious, glorious grant $) then let Rachel know ASAP! E-mail her at or call 865.7228.
Check out The Edge Chronicles on the internetz... here.
One more thing: you might be wondering why our book club is called the VAMPIRE Book Club. It's funny, 'cause we don't read books about vampires and none of us ARE vampires (at least I hope not), but at one time the book club read quite a few books about vampires, hence the name. The name stuck.. 'cause vampires are pretty rad (although I have to admit, they suck sometimes). Hardy har har.
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